
Helping You Maintain Fire Safety Compliance

Office: (765) 284-8164 Cell Phone: (765) 760-0147

Fax: (765) 216-0979

[email protected]

P.O. Box 404
Big Flats, NY 14814-0404

  • Company
  • Phone Number you can be reached at
  • Products Approvals:

    If your design engineering staff would rather develop than correspond, then S-afe, Inc. can help facilitate your agency reviews and product approvals.

  • Industrial Gas/Combustion System Audits and Testing:

    Regardless whether you have Natural Gas Fired Furnaces, Fuel-Oil Fired Boilers, or Oxygen enriched/Natural Gas Fired Glass melting furnaces, they should be tested annually in accordance with NFPA codes. S-afe, Inc. can help establish a Audit and testing program in your company which is customized to meet your needs.

  • Industrial Combustion Safety Training:

    When all the best laid plans go bad and an accident occurs, S-afe, Inc. can help with the investigation of the accident site and help determine what went wrong, whether that is a piece of failed equipment or failure by personnel to follow procedures.